Sunday, 13 January 2013

how to make Encryptition File System in linux rhel 6

Efs basically provide encryption over the partition or hard disk. It works on LUKS (linux unifine keys setup) utility.

Paccage – crypt-utils

Tool = cryptosetup

step 1 #yum install crypto* -y (install the paccage.)

step 2 # create partition with 2G (this is not mendetory you can give any size.)

#cryptsetup luksFormat /dev/sda5 (after luks all firsl starting character in capital.)

YES (type yes in capital)

(******) (type password)

(******) (again)

How to chack mapper points ?

#ll /dev/mapper (show presant mapper)

#cryptsetup luksOpen /dev/sda5 storage (make mapper over on partition with name storage)

#mkfs.ext4 /dev/mapper/storage (format mapper storage)

#mkdir /crypt

#mount /dev/mapper/storage /crypt (temprory mount mapper on /crypt)

#vim /etc/fstab

/dev/mapper/storage /crypt ext4 defaults 0 0


(for permanent mount make this entry in fstab save and quit)

#mount -a


#df -TH (show all size)

#vim /etc/crypttab

storage /dev/sda5 (password) which is you set in starting of the cryptFormat


(leave it once without password and restart the system u can see the password on booting.)

#dd if=/dev/urandom of=key bs=4096 count=1

(to make a random password key )

#dd if=/dev/urandom (to create randoom file)

#cryptsetup luksAddKey /dev/sda5 /root/key

(to add key in root for partition 5)

#chmod 400 /root/key (set the permission on root/key )

#vim /etc/crypttab

storage /dev/sda5 /root/key


#umount /crypt/

#cryptsetup luksClose /dev/mapper/storage

#ll /dev/mapper

#cd /crypt



#cryptsetup luksOpen /dev/sda5 storage

#ll /dev/mapper

#mount /crypt

#cd /crypt


#man cryptsetup (read all the manuel of the cryptsetup)

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