It is a file
system type which is used to enhance of the system performence or it
will act always
#create one partition
#partx -a /dev/sda (press two time.)
#mkswap /dev/sda5 (to make swap)
#swapon /dev/sda5 (for activate the swap)
#swapon -s (show status of the swap)
#vim /etc/fstab
#mount -a (activate all mounts)
#free -m
#free -m -t
#cat /proc/swaps
#cat /proc/meminfo (all commands is use to check the swap status.)
virtual memory.
#create one partition
#fdisk /dev/sda
n - blank enter - +2G - p - press t -5
- for change the partition
code give the 82 for swap id - p - w
#partx -a /dev/sda (press two time.)
#mkswap /dev/sda5 (to make swap)
#swapon /dev/sda5 (for activate the swap)
#swapon -s (show status of the swap)
#vim /etc/fstab
press i for insert
mode and type this entry on last of line
/dev/sda5 swap swap defaults 0
press esc and
:wq! (save)
#mount -a (activate all mounts)
#free -m
#free -m -t
#cat /proc/swaps
#cat /proc/meminfo (all commands is use to check the swap status.)
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